What if you could always win at casino games? Why, you’d be rich in no time at all. But aren’t there some experts that say it’s possible to have the perfect strategy in casino games? What exactly is a perfect strategy, and can it really exist?
Perfect strategy in gambling games is a much-debated topic. Though, it also isn’t a simple topic. While it is technically possible to use a perfect strategy, it is also impossible to always win in casino games. Let’s take a closer look and understand the reality of perfect gameplay in the world of gambling.
Perfect Strategy Versus Casino Games
You can practice all your life, learn every trick, and still not always win in Blackjack. The truth is that Blackjack, like all casino games, is as much a game of luck as it is of skill. No matter how well you play Blackjack, you are still always going to lose some of the time. So is it impossible to win at Blackjack?
No, of course not. You can win at Blackjack, as you can win at all casino games. You just can’t win all the time. On the other hand, Blackjack is also a game of skill, meaning that you can get better at it, and therefore win more often. So if you’re willing to put in the effort, you can become a Blackjack expert.
But the same isn’t true for every gambling game.
Skill Versus Luck Games
Pokies are games of luck. There is nothing you can do to change the outcome of a spin, meaning that you can never do better, no matter how often you play. Pokies are still fun but are also not games you’ll ever get better at.
Blackjack and sports betting are games of skill, and you can do better if you try. To put it another way, if an amateur sports betting enthusiast and a pro both participate in Caulfield Cup betting, who do you think is more likely to win money?
But this brings us back to the previous question; is there such a thing as a perfect gambling strategy?
Strategy With Incomplete Information
In a game of chess, both players have the same pieces. Both players can also play the exact same moves. Hence, you will agree that the game is chess is 100% fair. But what if you can’t see some of your opponent’s pieces in chess, and never know what those pieces are going to do?
Gambling is a bit like this second version of chess. In Blackjack, the dealer has a face-up card, and a face-down card. You don’t know what the face-down card is when you make your decisions, meaning that a big part of your gameplay is guessing.
It is, simply put, impossible to have a perfect strategy with incomplete information. There is always some guessing involved. Even still, there are Blackjack masters that play well, coming out on top with consistency. So although there is no technically perfect Blackjack strategy, you can still win more than you lose.